How to report a feedback?

If something is not working on BuddyDo, or if you have a question or suggestion about BuddyDo, you can report it to us. To do this:

  1. Go to the More tab > Feedback
  2. Select the feedback type and describe your feedback
  3. Tap Submit
    You can give more details (ex: adding a screenshot) to helps us understand your feedback. We appreciate the time it takes to give us this precious information.


In addition, you can also join BuddyDo Demo Community to share your feedback with BuddyDo staffs:

  1. Go to community list by tapping the community list button (the hamburger menu icon) on the upper left corner.
  2. Tap Join Community
  3. Tap on the BuddyDo logo with Demo Community beside it to join.
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