What are member, admin and owner roles in group?

– Group Member

Group members can chat, create and share notes or photos. Group members can also hold events, assign tasks, make polls in the group. They can also comment on or like each post. Depends on the privacy setting set by the group owner and admin, members can also invite others to join the group.

– Group Admin

Admins are assigned by the group owner to help manage the group. Each group can have multiple admins and in addition to what group members can do, admins can also:

  1. Delete or edit posts within the group.
  2. Delete comments within the group.
  3. Manage members, such as approve incoming requests and block or unblock members. When group privacy settings do not allow all members to add new member, admins are allowed to add new members.
  4. Set up group profile and change settings.
  5. Enable or disable tools.
  6. Add or remove other admins.

– Group Owner

Group owner is the creator of the group and owns the group. One group can only have one group owner at a time. In addition to what the group admins can do, the group owner can also:

  1. Change group ownership to a new owner.
  2. Delete the group.
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